Imperial Mustache Guide: Style Power & Elegance

You’ve seen it grace the upper lips of royalty and rebels alike—the imperial mustache, a timeless symbol of sophistication and strength. This bold facial hair style isn’t just a fashion statement; it’s a nod to a rich historical tapestry that’s been woven through the ages.

Whether you’re aiming to channel your inner 19th-century aristocrat or simply looking to elevate your grooming game, understanding the imperial mustache is key. Let’s dive into the origins, the variations, and the charisma that this distinctive style carries with it. Get ready to redefine your look with a touch of imperial flair.

What is an Imperial Mustache?

The Imperial mustache is a distinct style of facial hair that exudes elegance and an air of nobility. Originating in 19th century France, it’s a style characterized by whiskers that are grown out from the upper lip and cheeks and then styled upward. Unlike the more common handlebar mustache, the Imperial mustache demands attention with its bold, upturned ends that often require careful grooming and maintenance to achieve their iconic shape.

Understanding the key features of an Imperial mustache is critical for achieving an authentic look:

  • The mustache is thick and full, often blending into the cheeks without becoming a full beard.
  • The ends are styled and twisted into fine points, giving it its distinctive “imperial” flare.
  • It’s typically separated from the chin’s beard, emphasizing its standalone grandeur.

Styling Your Imperial Mustache

To style your Imperial mustache properly, you’ll need a few tools and products at your disposal:

  • Mustache wax: Essential for sculpting and maintaining those precise, upward twirls.
  • Comb and scissors: For trimming and ensuring even growth.
  • Patience: As your mustache grows, you’ll need to invest time in training the hair to sweep up and away from your face.

First, apply wax to slightly damp mustache hair. Then, use your comb to guide the hair outwards from the center of your upper lip. With the waxed comb, twirl the ends into your desired shape. Regular maintenance and trimming help in keeping that distinctive imperial look.

Celebrity Influence and Popularity

Notable figures across history, from royalty to artists and rebels, have donned the Imperial mustache, making it a powerful symbol that transcends time. It’s a choice that speaks volumes about your taste and the image you wish to project.

  • Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany was famed for his extravagant Imperial mustache.
  • Artists like Salvador Dali took the Imperial mustache to new heights, quite literally, with his exaggerated version.
  • In modern times, this mustache style pops up occasionally on the red carpet, evoking vintage glamour and sophistication.

History of the Imperial Mustache

Ancient Origins

Delve into the ancient world and you’ll discover mustache grooming as a celebrated art form practiced by aristocracy to signify status. The imperial mustache, with nods to nobility and authority, traces its roots back to powerful dynasties. Elite soldiers often adorned their faces with well-kept and prominently styled facial hair as a demonstration of dignity and pride. Even in the absence of concrete visuals, historical texts and artifacts suggest a penchant for elaborate mustache styles amongst rulers and warriors of yore.

Popularity in the 19th Century

Shift forward to the 19th century, and the imperial mustache takes center stage, favored by European monarchs and military officers. Its surge in popularity is entwined with the societal shifts of the era—industrialization and the rise of nationalism. Distinguished individuals, including Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, sported the imperial mustache as a symbol of power and prestige. The style’s adoption by such influential figures spurred its widespread imitation by men seeking to emulate these icons of leadership. The presence of this mustache on the upper lip of authority figures wasn’t just about fashion—it was a signal of command and respect.

Beyond its association with influence and respect, the imperial mustache became a fixture in the artistic communities as well. Artists like Salvador Dali took the style to new heights, adding flair and exaggeration that transformed facial hair into a conversation piece. The imperial mustache’s influence on culture and fashion cemented its place in the annals of style history—not just as a trend, but as a timeless statement of confidence and self-expression.

How to Grow an Imperial Mustache

Steps to Grow and Maintain an Imperial Mustache

Growing an imperial mustache requires patience and attention to detail. Your journey starts with allowing your facial hair to grow out for several weeks. This initial growth phase sets the foundation for a thick, full mustache that’s vital for the imperial style. You’ll need at least 1-2 months of growth before you can start shaping.

Here’s how you can grow and maintain your imperial mustache:

  • Resist the urge to trim: Let your mustache grow without trimming for the first few weeks. This helps in assessing its natural thickness and growth pattern.
  • Shaping your mustache: Once you’ve achieved sufficient length, begin to shape the mustache using a fine-tooth comb and sharp scissors. Trim carefully to maintain the bulk in the center while tapering the ends.
  • Training the hair: Start training your mustache early on to sweep outward by regularly combing it in the desired direction. This will help when applying wax later on.
  • Regular upkeep: As your imperial mustache takes form, trim stray hairs and keep the shape intact. Regular washing and conditioning keep the hair healthy and easier to style.

Recommended Products for Imperial Mustache Care

To maintain the regal appearance of your imperial mustache, you’ll need to invest in quality grooming products. These include:

  • Mustache Wax: To secure the trademark upward curl, a strong-hold mustache wax is essential. It’ll not only help in styling but also in keeping your mustache looking sharp throughout the day.
  • Beard Oil or Balm: Keeping the skin underneath healthy is crucial. Beard oil or balm moisturizes the skin and softens the hair, which is especially important in the early stages of growth.
  • Specialized Scissors: A pair of small, sharp scissors is key for precision trimming and shaping of your mustache.
  • Comb: A comb with fine teeth is perfect for daily grooming and for applying wax evenly through your mustache.
  • Shampoo and Conditioner: Use a gentle, natural shampoo and conditioner to keep your facial hair clean and soft. This will also help in preventing itchiness and irritation.

Remember, the right combination of products will keep your imperial mustache looking its best. Regular maintenance and care will ensure that your facial hair remains a strong representation of personal style and elegance.

Styling Tips for an Imperial Mustache

Maintaining an imperial mustache isn’t just about growth and care; styling is key to achieving that distinguished look. To help you master the art of styling, we’ve compiled some essential tips that’ll make sure your imperial mustache stands out.

Using Mustache Wax

Mustache wax isn’t just a grooming product—it’s the secret weapon for your imperial mustache’s style and hold. Here’s how you use it:

  • Start with a pea-sized amount of wax, warming it between your fingers to make it pliable.
  • Apply the wax evenly throughout your mustache, beginning in the center and working towards the tips.
  • Use a comb to distribute the wax and shape your mustache.
  • For a bolder look, twist the ends and sculpt into an upward curl.

Pro Tip: Opt for a wax with a strong hold to maintain your look throughout the day.

Trimming and Shaping Techniques

Trimming and shaping are crucial for a well-defined imperial mustache. Here’s how you can keep those lines sharp:

  • Choose the right pair of scissors—small, sharp barber scissors work best.
  • Comb your mustache so that all the hairs are lying flat.
  • Trim the bottom edge of your mustache to create a clean line.
  • For shaping, snip away stray hairs and refine the edges carefully to ensure symmetry.
  • Remember, less is more when trimming—cut small lengths to avoid mistakes.

By following these steps, you ensure that your imperial mustache not only grows healthily but also sports a style that’s second to none. Remember that patience is your ally as you craft the perfect form and use these styling techniques to elevate your mustache game.

Famous Personalities with Imperial Mustaches

As you explore the elegance of the imperial mustache, it’s fascinating to recognize the historical figures and celebrities who’ve sported this style, making it iconic through their own fame and flair. The imperial mustache isn’t just a trend—it’s a statement that’s been worn by some of the most charismatic personalities in history.

Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali, the surrealist painter known for his striking and bizarre art, also made a bold statement with his facial hair. Dali’s mustache was a cornerstone of his eccentric image. It wasn’t just an imperial mustache; it was a work of art in itself, as much a signature as his famed melting clocks. Twisted sharply upwards at the ends, his mustache became synonymous with his artistic personality. If you’ve ever seen a photo of Dali, you can’t help but notice how the mustache added to the overall intensity and peculiarity of his look, reflecting his artistic vision and becoming an integral aspect of his public persona.

Kaiser Wilhelm II

Moving back in history, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, who reigned from 1888 until the end of World War I, was another prominent figure sporting an imperial mustache. His facial hair was lush and full-bodied, with the distinctive upturned ends characteristic of the imperial style. It was a sign of status and power, fitting for his position as the last German Emperor and King of Prussia. Captured in countless photographs and paintings, Kaiser Wilhelm’s mustache has been etched into the annals of history, making him one of the most identifiable monarchs of his time. The imperial mustache was part of his regal persona, adding gravity to his public image while also symbolizing the military prestige and aristocracy of the era.

Both Salvador Dali and Kaiser Wilhelm II demonstrated that the imperial mustache is more than just facial hair—it’s a personal trademark that can define your image and legacy. Through proper grooming and styling, you too can make this classic look your own.

The Cultural Significance of the Imperial Mustache

Representation of Power and Authority

The imperial mustache has long been a potent symbol of power and authority. Historical figures like Kaiser Wilhelm II epitomized the association between this distinct style and leadership. It’s no coincidence that men in positions of command often chose the imperial mustache as their facial hair of choice. The full, well-groomed appearance of the mustache commands attention and demands respect.

In military circles, the imperial mustache has been a hallmark of the high-ranking officer, serving as a non-verbal cue of their position. It’s a style that conveys a sense of dignity and a no-nonsense attitude. You might find parallels in modern corporate settings, where executives often adopt strong, defining styles to establish their authority in the boardroom.

Symbol of Masculinity and Elegance

While power is a significant aspect of the imperial mustache, it’s also embraced as a symbol of masculinity and elegance. The mustache’s robust appearance accentuates the wearer’s features, enhancing masculinity without compromising sophistication.

In Victorian times, the imperial mustache was the pinnacle of a gentleman’s attire. Coupled with a bespoke suit and polished demeanor, the mustache added an extra layer of refinement. Society figures and celebrities who don a well-coiffed imperial mustache are often seen as style icons, drawing a line between mere fashion followers and trendsetters.

Even today, an imperial mustache elevates the perception of the wearer. It’s not just facial hair but a commitment to grooming and a nod to an era when personal appearance was paramount. The intricacies involved in maintaining such a mustache also reflect a dedication to one’s image that’s hard to rival with other styles.


Embracing the imperial mustache isn’t just about style; it’s about making a statement. You’re tapping into a rich legacy of power and prestige that can elevate your presence in any room. Remember, it’s not just facial hair—it’s a commitment to grooming that showcases your dedication to personal excellence. Whether you’re looking to channel historical elegance or simply aiming to refine your look, the imperial mustache is a timeless choice that continues to command respect and admiration. So go ahead, let your mustache do the talking and watch as it speaks volumes about who you are.



