10 Essential Mustache Styling Tips for the Modern Gentleman

April 9, 2024

10 Essential Mustache Styling Tips for the Modern Gentleman


In recent years, the mustache has made a triumphant return to the forefront of men's grooming, serving not just as a facial hair choice but as a bold style statement for the modern gentleman. No longer relegated to the pages of vintage photo albums, today’s mustaches exude personality, confidence, and charm. This article aims to provide practical tips on mustache styling that will help you elevate your look to new heights. Whether you’re a fashion-savvy individual or a grooming aficionado, these ten essential tips will guide you in perfecting your mustache game.

Understanding Different Mustache Styles

Overview of Mustache Types

Before diving into styling your mustache, it’s crucial to understand the various styles available. Popular options include:

  • Chevron: A thick, wide mustache that emphasizes masculinity.
  • Handlebar: Characterized by its upward curling ends, offering a vintage flair.
  • Walrus: A bushy mustache that hangs over the upper lip, ideal for a bold look.

Choosing the Right Style

When selecting a mustache style, consider your face shape and personal aesthetic. For instance, a handlebar might suit a square face, while a chevron can complement an oval face. Experimentation is key!

Tip #1 - Grow It Out

A mustache requires time to reach its full potential. Patience is essential; the average timeline for noticeable growth is about four to six weeks. During this phase, refrain from trimming too much and allow your mustache to take shape naturally.

Tip #2 - Regular Trimming

Tools Needed

A good trim is paramount in maintaining a stylish mustache. Gather the following tools:

  • Quality scissors
  • An electric trimmer
  • A fine-tooth comb

How-to Guide

  1. Comb your mustache downward to detangle it.
  2. Use scissors to trim any split ends.
  3. With the trimmer, define the shape, keeping the edges neat.
  4. Step back to evaluate balance and adjust accordingly.

Tip #3 - Use Quality Mustache Wax

Importance of Wax

Mustache wax provides structure and hold, allowing you to mold your mustache to your desired style. It also protects it from the elements.

Application Technique

  1. Take a pea-sized amount of wax and warm it between your fingers.
  2. Apply it evenly throughout your mustache, working from the center outwards.
  3. Style as desired, twisting the ends for a handlebar effect, or flattening for an elegant look.

Tip #4 - Find Your Signature Style

Don’t hesitate to experiment! Finding your signature mustache style may take time but can be rewarding. Think about incorporating elements from various styles to create something uniquely yours. Social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest offer a wealth of visual inspiration, so don’t hesitate to explore.

Tip #5 - Keep It Clean

Daily Maintenance

A clean mustache is a healthy mustache. Regularly washing and grooming is crucial to avoid itchiness and maintain the overall appearance.

Use a mild shampoo or a dedicated grooming product designed for facial hair. Always follow up with a conditioner or a specialized oil to keep your mustache soft and manageable.

Tip #6 - Comb It Right

Comb Selection

Opt for a narrow, fine-tooth mustache comb to help style and tame your mustache effectively. Look for materials like wood or resin to avoid static.

Combing Techniques

Comb your mustache in the direction of hair growth for a natural appearance. For sculpting, use smaller strokes and adjust as necessary until the desired shape is achieved.

Tip #7 - Complement with Facial Hair

Harmony with Other Facial Hair

A mustache can harmonize beautifully with beards and sideburns. To achieve a cohesive look, ensure they complement each other in length and style.

Styling Tips

For a clean and polished look, consider keeping your cheeks shaved while maintaining a fuller mustache. This contrast can create a balanced aesthetic.

Tip #8 - Embrace the Quirk

Encouraging individuality is part of the fun of mustache styling! Don’t shy away from unique looks. Consider options like a pencil mustache for a sleek appearance or a more outlandish handlebar twist.


Some iconic mustache styles, such as Salvador Dali’s flamboyant mustache or Tom Selleck's luxurious Chevron, celebrate the quirkiness of personal style.

Tip #9 - Seasonal Considerations

Adapting Styles

As seasons change, so too can your mustache style. Thicker mustaches can offer warmth during colder months, while a lighter, trimmed style might be more comfortable in summer.

Care Tips

Adjust grooming products according to the season. Use heavier oils during